Always look for products that are bio-degradable, compostable packaging ie, sanitary products, compostable ponchos, Chocolate products and sweets.
Organic product snack, drinks, chocolate, fruit and veg, breakfast stuff, ready to eat or cook.
Camping equipment, pegs, mallets, airbeds, chairs, even tents
Little luxuries: Organic cotton towels, Hot water Bottles, eye masks, compostable earplugs, slippers, bamboo toothbrush, toothpaste tablets. Refillable body washes and shampoos, compostable packaging deodorants, sun screen.
Medicine selection and sunscreen.
Bio-degradable battery packs for swapping to charge your phone while on the move.
Freshly baked goods including croissants, pastries and sour dough bread
If it’s a festival where cooking may take place, we can provide fresh produce including eggs, bacon, sausages, beans, fruit and veggies for cooking.
We can bring to the event tobacco products that are registered with Track and Trace. All UK approved products. Also any thin layers of plastic on the wrappers, we encourage the customers to return to us. We then pass the waste on to a company we use, so all plastic can be handled with care.
We are extremely proud to be able to offer and source anything you need, just let us know beforehand. We can supply fresh baked pastries, phone charging facilities, newspapers, organic fruit and veggies, organic smoothies with freshly pressed apples, all at the request of the organisers.
Our frontage and point of sale setup.
We are happy to alter our frontage, uniforms to align with your theme of Festival.
Please don’t hesitate to ask us for what you want, we are happy to deliver.
The most importantly, we are being responsible for any small amount of plastic that may be sold with our products to keep them fresh (cigarettes/tobacco), (this is how they come) once purchased we take the wrappers so they don’t get lost on site and end up in soil/water supplies/ or killing wildlife.
We can open certain set hours or can run a 24hr Service.
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